Recovering from Liposuction: What to Expect Post-Surgery

Posted on: August 1, 2023

Overview of Liposuction Recovery Timeline

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat from the body. It is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the U.S., with over 250,000 people undergoing it each year. Liposuction can be used to sculpt and contour the body by removing stubborn fat deposits from areas such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, neck, and face. While liposuction provides many benefits such as improved body shape and contour, decreased fat deposits, and improved self-confidence, it is important to understand the recovery process before undergoing the procedure.

The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic understands how important it is for patients to have a clear understanding of what to expect after their liposuction procedure. The clinic provides a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof, and they strive to ensure that all patients have a safe and successful recovery period following their liposuction surgery. This article outlines the recovery timeline for liposuction so that patients can better prepare themselves for what lies ahead.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat deposits from areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, neck, and face. It is typically performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. During the procedure, small incisions are made in the treatment area and a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into these incisions. The cannula is then used to suction out unwanted fat cells from beneath the skin’s surface.

Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction offers many benefits including improved body shape and contour; reduced fat deposits; increased self-confidence; improved muscle tone; and smoother skin texture. Additionally, liposuction can help improve overall health by reducing fatty acids in the bloodstream which can reduce cholesterol levels and decrease risk factors for heart disease.

Risks & Side Effects

As with any type of surgery there are risks associated with liposuction including infection; bleeding; scarring; fluid accumulation (seroma); asymmetry; nerve damage; blood clots; and allergic reactions to anesthesia or medication used during surgery. In addition to these risks there may be temporary side effects such as swelling; bruising; numbness or tingling sensations in treated areas; pain or discomfort at treatment site(s); itching around treatment sites; and temporary changes in skin color or texture near treatment sites.

At The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic we strive to ensure that all our patients have a safe and successful recovery period following their liposuction surgery. We provide detailed instructions on pre-operative care as well as post-operative care so that our patients know exactly what to expect during their recovery period.

Preparation for Surgery

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI, we understand that preparing for liposuction surgery can be a stressful experience. Our team of experts are here to provide you with the information and support you need to ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Prior to your liposuction surgery, you will receive detailed instructions from our medical team. These instructions will include everything from what medications to take (or avoid) prior to surgery, how many hours before the procedure you should stop eating and drinking, and what type of clothing to wear on the day of your surgery. It is important that you follow these instructions closely in order to reduce any risk associated with the procedure.

Post-Operative Care

After your liposuction surgery, it is important that you follow all post-operative care instructions given by our medical team. This may include wearing a compression garment for several weeks after your surgery in order to help reduce swelling and promote proper healing. You may also be instructed to avoid certain activities or movements during the recovery period in order to prevent any complications from arising.

It is essential that you adhere to all pre-operative and post-operative instructions provided by our medical team in order to ensure a safe and successful outcome from your liposuction procedure. If you have any questions or concerns about preparing for or recovering from liposuction surgery, please do not hesitate to contact us at the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic. We are here to help guide you through every step of this process!

Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic provides pre-operative and post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and successful liposuction procedure. Compression garment should be worn for several weeks after surgery to reduce swelling and promote proper healing.

Immediate Recovery After Surgery

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing patients with a safe and effective liposuction experience. We understand that recovery is an important part of the process and we strive to ensure that our patients have the best possible outcome.

Pain Management

Immediately following surgery, patients may experience some pain and discomfort. This is normal and can be managed with over-the-counter or prescription medications as recommended by your doctor. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for taking these medications and to keep in contact with them if you experience any adverse effects.

Dressings and Swelling Control

Your surgeon will provide you with dressings and compression garments to help manage swelling in the treatment area. It is important to wear these as instructed in order to reduce swelling and promote healing. You should also avoid strenuous activities during this time, as they can increase swelling and lead to complications.

Return to Work/Activities

It is typically recommended that patients wait at least two weeks before returning to work or resuming regular activities. However, this timeline can vary depending on the type of procedure performed, so it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for when it is safe to return to normal activities.

At the milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we understand that recovery is an important part of the liposuction process and we strive to ensure that our patients have a successful outcome. Our experienced team of professionals are dedicated to providing patients with a safe and effective liposuction experience from start to finish.

Pain Management
Over-the-counter or prescription medications as recommended by your doctor
Dressings and Swelling Control
Wear dressings and compression garments as instructed to reduce swelling and promote healing
Return to Work/Activities
Wait at least two weeks before returning to work or resuming regular activities, depending on the type of procedure performed

Diet During Recovery

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that recovery following liposuction is an essential part of the process. Diet plays a major role in the recovery process and can help to reduce swelling and promote healing. It is important to follow a healthy diet during recovery that includes plenty of probiotic foods, lean proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Probiotic Foods

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help to improve digestion and support immune health. During liposuction recovery, it is important to include probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso soup, tempeh and fermented vegetables in your diet. These foods will help to boost immunity and reduce inflammation.

Increasing Protein Intake

Protein is an essential macronutrient for wound healing. During liposuction recovery, it is important to increase your protein intake to promote healing and reduce inflammation. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds. Eating these foods regularly will help to speed up the healing process and minimize swelling.

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, our team of experts provides personalized care and guidance throughout the entire recovery period to ensure optimal results from your procedure. We strive to make sure you are comfortable every step of the way with our comprehensive approach to liposuction surgery. Contact us today at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield WI for more information on our services or to schedule a consultation!

Diet during liposuction recovery is important and should include probiotic-rich foods, lean proteins and vitamins and minerals to reduce swelling and promote healing. Interesting. Probiotics help improve digestion and support immune health, protein is essential for wound healing and Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic provides personalized care throughout the entire recovery period.

Hygiene During Recovery

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that proper hygiene is essential to a successful recovery process. To ensure the best results, it is important for patients to follow some basic hygiene guidelines during their recovery period.

Avoiding Long Baths/Hot Tubs

It is important to keep the surgical area dry and clean while it is healing. Therefore, long baths and hot tubs should be avoided until the area has fully healed. If necessary, showers may be taken with warm water and mild soap, but care should be taken to avoid scrubbing or rubbing of the area.

Cleanliness of Clothing

The clothing worn in the days following surgery should also be kept clean and dry. Loose-fitting garments are recommended as they allow for better air circulation and reduce friction on the treated area. It is also important to avoid wearing tight clothing as this can cause irritation to the skin.

Gentle Skin Care Routine

Patients should also use a gentle skin care routine during their recovery period. This includes using mild cleansers and avoiding any products with harsh chemicals or fragrances. Additionally, patients should avoid using abrasive materials such as washcloths or loofahs on the treated area as this can cause further irritation or infection.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we strive to provide our patients with comprehensive care from start to finish. We believe that following these simple hygiene tips can help ensure a successful liposuction experience and a speedy recovery process.

Infection Prevention and Treatment

We take infection prevention very seriously. Our team of highly trained professionals strive to provide a safe and sterile environment for our patients at all times. We understand that liposuction is an invasive procedure, and as such, there is a risk of infection. We do our best to minimize this risk by using the latest technologies and techniques.

Signs of Infection

Patients should be aware of signs of infection in order to seek medical attention if necessary. Common signs include redness, swelling, increased pain or tenderness in the area, fever, chills, and drainage from the incision site. If any of these symptoms are present, it is important to contact your doctor immediately.

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we take infection prevention very seriously. Our team strives to provide a safe and sterile environment for our patients at all times. We understand that liposuction is an invasive procedure with a risk of infection, so we do our best to minimize this risk by using the latest technologies and techniques available. Additionally, we provide detailed instructions on post-operative care to help ensure a successful recovery with minimal complications. If you have any questions or concerns about infection prevention during your recovery process, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield WI.

Skin Irregularities

We understand skin irregularities can be a concern after liposuction. After surgery, the body may experience fatigue in tissues due to the trauma of the procedure. This is normal and should resolve itself within a few weeks or months.

Fatigue in Tissues

Fatigue in tissues is common after liposuction and may appear as indentations or areas of loose skin. This is generally due to swelling that occurs after surgery and can cause unevenness of the skin. The best way to address this issue is to wear a compression garment for several weeks following surgery. Wearing a compression garment will help reduce swelling and promote healing in the treated area. Additionally, it’s important to take extra care when caring for your skin during recovery by avoiding direct sunlight and using gentle cleansers and moisturizers.

Hematomas & Seromas

Hematomas are clots of blood that form in the treatment area and seromas are fluid-filled pockets that can form under the skin due to surgery-related trauma. Both hematomas and seromas are rare but if they occur, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately as they can lead to infection or other serious complications. Your doctor may recommend draining these clots or pockets with a needle if necessary.

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we strive to provide our patients with the best possible outcomes from their liposuction procedures. With proper preparation before surgery and diligent care during recovery, you can ensure optimal results from your liposuction procedure while minimizing any potential risks or side effects.

Hematomas & Seromas

We understand the importance of a safe and successful liposuction procedure. That is why we take extra precautions to ensure that our patients are aware of the potential risks associated with liposuction, including hematomas and seromas.

What is a Hematoma?

A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel that can occur after liposuction surgery. It may appear as a lump or swelling at the treatment site, and it can be painful. It is important to note that a hematoma is not an infection, but it should still be monitored closely by your surgeon.

What is a Seroma?

A seroma is another common complication of liposuction surgery. It occurs when fluid accumulates in the area where fat was removed during the procedure. This fluid can cause swelling and discomfort at the treatment site, and it may need to be drained by your surgeon in order to reduce any further complications.

It is important to follow all post-operative instructions given by your surgeon in order to minimize the risk of developing either a hematoma or seroma after your liposuction procedure. At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, our experienced staff will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for yourself following your surgery in order to ensure optimal results and minimize any potential complications.


The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic is proud to provide a comprehensive range of liposuction technologies and services. Our team of experienced professionals strive to ensure that each patient receives the highest quality care and the best possible results. Our goal is to make sure that every patient has a safe, successful, and comfortable recovery experience. We understand that liposuction is an important decision, and we are here to help guide you through the process from start to finish. If you have any questions or concerns about liposuction recovery, please contact us at our office in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Thank you for choosing the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic for your liposuction needs!