Reasons Why Women May Have Breasts Far Apart and How to Treat Them

Posted on: August 24, 2023

Reasons for Far Apart Breasts

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Many women struggle with asymmetrical breasts that may be caused by a variety of factors. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common causes of far apart breasts and provide you with treatment options to help reduce the gap between them.

Common Causes of Asymmetrical Breasts

One of the most common causes of far apart breasts is genetics. This means that if one or both of your parents have asymmetrical breasts, it is likely that you may also experience this issue. Other causes can include changes in weight, hormonal imbalances, and even certain types of clothing or bras that do not properly support the breasts. It is important to note that while these are all potential causes for far apart breasts, they are not always the culprits.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can also cause asymmetrical breasts due to changes in hormone levels and breast shape during these times. During pregnancy, hormones like estrogen and progesterone cause an increase in breast size as well as a change in breast shape due to milk production. After giving birth, these hormones return to their pre-pregnancy levels which can cause the breasts to return to their original size but may leave them looking different from before pregnancy. Additionally, breastfeeding can cause further changes in breast shape as well as a decrease in size due to milk production.

Chest Wall Anatomy

The anatomy of your chest wall can also play a role in how far apart your breasts appear. If you have more fat tissue on one side than the other or if your rib cage is higher on one side than the other then this could contribute to an uneven appearance between your two breasts. Additionally, if your chest muscles are tighter on one side than the other then this could also result in asymmetrical breasts.

Consider Surgery

If all else fails then surgery may be an option for reducing the gap between your two breasts. There are several different types of surgeries available depending on what is causing your far apart breasts such as breast augmentation or reduction surgery or even liposuction to remove excess fat from around the area. The best way to determine if surgery is right for you is by consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your individual case and provide you with personalized advice on what would be best for achieving optimal results.

Common Causes
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Consider Surgery
Hormone Levels Change
Fat Tissue
Breast Augmentation/Reduction Surgery or Liposuction
Weight Changes
Rib Cage Height
Consult with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

Common Causes of Asymmetrical Breasts

asymmetrical breasts are a common issue that many women experience, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand how important it is for women to feel confident in their own skin. That’s why we offer a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof to help address any asymmetry issues you may have with your breasts.


One of the most common causes of asymmetrical breasts is genetics. This means that if your mother or grandmother had asymmetrical breasts, then you may be more likely to develop them yourself. Genetics can play a role in shaping the size and shape of your breast tissue, so if one side is larger than the other, it could be due to hereditary influences.

Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes can also cause asymmetry in the breasts. For example, during puberty or menopause, hormones can cause one side of the breast to grow faster than the other. Hormones can also affect how much fat is stored in each breast, leading to differences in size between them.

Weight Fluctuations

Weight fluctuations are another common cause of asymmetrical breasts. If you gain or lose weight quickly, this can cause one side of the breast to become larger or smaller than the other as fat accumulates on one side more than the other. Similarly, if you exercise regularly but only focus on certain muscle groups, this too can lead to asymmetry as some muscles become larger than others.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that having asymmetrical breasts can affect your confidence and self-esteem. That’s why we offer a variety of liposuction technologies under one roof that can help address any issues you may have with your breasts. To learn more about our services or book an appointment at our office located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield WI., please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Asymmetrical breasts are a common issue that can be caused by genetics, hormonal changes, and weight fluctuations. milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic offers a variety of liposuction technologies to address these issues.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause a woman’s breasts to become asymmetrical due to the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormones released by the body cause the breasts to swell in preparation for nursing. This swelling can cause one breast to become larger than the other, resulting in an asymmetrical appearance.

In addition, breastfeeding can also affect the shape of the breasts. Since most women only nurse from one breast at a time, this can cause one breast to become larger than the other due to increased milk production. This difference in size can also lead to an asymmetrical appearance after breastfeeding is complete.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that pregnancy and breastfeeding can take a toll on your body and your self-esteem. That’s why we offer a variety of treatments designed to help you regain your confidence after having children. From non-surgical options like fat transfer and laser treatments to surgical procedures like breast augmentation or reduction, our experienced team of board certified plastic surgeons will work with you to find the best solution for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your desired look.

Effect of Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Hormonal Changes
Breasts become asymmetrical
Increased Milk Production
One breast may become larger than the other
Non-Surgical Options
Fat transfer, laser treatments
Surgical Procedures
breast augmentation or reduction

Chest Wall Anatomy

The chest wall anatomy is a complex structure that can be affected by many factors, leading to far apart breasts. The chest wall consists of the ribs, sternum, and muscles between them. These components all work together to support the breasts and keep them in place.

Rib Cage

The rib cage is made up of 12 pairs of ribs that attach to the spine in the back and connect to the sternum in the front. The ribs help protect vital organs such as the lungs, heart, and kidneys from injury. They also provide a framework for the muscles of the chest wall to attach to and move around on.


The sternum is a long flat bone located at the center of the chest wall that helps provide stability for the ribs and other structures. It also serves as an attachment site for various muscles including those responsible for breathing and movement of the arms.


The muscles of the chest wall are responsible for movement, posture, and even breathing. These muscles include pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboid major/minor, levator scapulae, infraspinatus/teres minor/major among others. These muscles work together to keep our chests stable while we move around or perform activities like lifting weights or playing sports.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield WI we understand how important it is for our patients to have balanced breasts with minimal gaps between them. We offer a variety of services designed specifically to address asymmetrical breasts due to chest wall anatomy issues such as liposuction or fat grafting which can help reduce gaps between your breasts by removing excess fat or adding volume where needed. Our board-certified plastic surgeons can evaluate your individual case and determine which procedure best fits your needs so you can achieve balanced breasts with minimal gaps between them!

chest wall anatomy is complex and can affect breast shape, with a variety of services available to address asymmetrical breasts. Ribs, sternum and muscles provide stability and movement for the chest wall.

Consider Surgery

If you have tried all the non-invasive methods of correcting the gap between your breasts and still find that they are too far apart, then it is time to consider surgery as an option. At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI, we offer a variety of different surgical options to help correct asymmetrical breasts.

Breast Augmentation

One of the most common procedures used to correct asymmetrical breasts is breast augmentation. This procedure involves placing implants in each breast to make them larger and more symmetrical. The implants can be filled with either saline or silicone gel and can be placed under or over the muscle depending on your doctor’s recommendation. breast augmentation can also be combined with other procedures such as a breast lift or liposuction for more dramatic results.

Breast Lift

A breast lift (mastopexy) is another surgical option for correcting asymmetrical breasts. During this procedure, excess skin is removed from both breasts and the remaining tissue is reshaped to create a more symmetrical appearance. A breast lift can also be combined with other procedures such as a breast augmentation or liposuction for even better results.


Liposuction can also be used to correct asymmetrical breasts by removing fat from one side and transferring it to the other side to even out their sizes. This procedure can help create a more balanced look between your two breasts without having to add any additional volume with implants.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, our experienced team of board-certified plastic surgeons will work with you to determine which procedure is right for you based on your individual needs and goals. We understand that every patient’s body is unique and strive to provide personalized care that meets each individual’s needs. If you are considering surgery as an option for correcting your asymmetrical breasts, contact us today so we can discuss the best treatment plan for you!

Treatment Options

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that having far apart breasts can cause a woman to feel uncomfortable and self-conscious. Fortunately, there are a variety of treatment options available to help reduce the gap between breasts and restore balance and symmetry.

Exercises to Increase the Soft Tissue in the Cleavage Area

One of the most effective ways to reduce the gap between breasts is through exercises that target the chest muscles. By strengthening these muscles, you can increase the amount of soft tissue in your cleavage area, making your breasts appear closer together. Some exercises that target the chest muscles include push-ups, chest presses, and flyes. Additionally, you can opt for Pilates or yoga classes that focus on strengthening your core and chest muscles.

Consider Surgery

If you’re looking for more dramatic results, you may want to consider surgical options such as breast augmentation or fat grafting. Breast augmentation involves inserting implants into each breast to create a fuller appearance and reduce the gap between them. Fat grafting is another option where fat is taken from other areas of your body and injected into your breasts to provide more volume and improve their shape. Both procedures are safe and effective ways to achieve symmetrical breasts.

Non-Surgical Options to Reduce the Gap between Breasts

For those who don’t want to undergo surgery, there are also non-surgical treatments available at our clinic that can help reduce the gap between breasts without any downtime or recovery period. These treatments include radiofrequency therapy, which uses heat energy to stimulate collagen production in your skin; dermal fillers, which add volume to your cleavage area; and laser skin tightening, which stimulates collagen production in order to tighten loose skin around your chest area. All of these treatments are safe and effective ways to achieve a more balanced look without surgery.

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand how important it is for women to have symmetrical breasts that make them feel confident in their own skin. Our experienced team of board-certified plastic surgeons will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the results you desire safely and effectively. If you’re interested in learning more about our treatment options for far apart breasts, please contact us today at (200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI) for a consultation!

Exercises to Increase the Soft Tissue in the Cleavage Area

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that many women are looking for ways to increase the soft tissue in their cleavage area without having to undergo surgery. There are a variety of exercises that can be done at home to help increase soft tissue in this area.

Chest Presses

Chest presses are an effective exercise for targeting the muscles in the chest and cleavage area. To do a chest press, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold two dumbbells or resistance bands with both hands and extend your arms straight above your chest, keeping them shoulder-width apart. Then, slowly lower the weights down towards your chest while maintaining control of the motion. Once you feel tension, press back up until your arms are fully extended again. Repeat this motion 10-15 times for 3 sets.

Bench Presses

Bench presses can also help to strengthen and tone the chest muscles, as well as improve overall posture. To do a bench press, lie on a flat bench with a barbell above you at chest height. Grab onto the barbell with both hands and lift it off of its resting place above you. Slowly lower it down towards your chest while controlling the motion and stop when you feel tension in your chest muscles. Then, press back up until your arms are fully extended again. Repeat this motion 10-15 times for 3 sets.


Push-ups can be done anywhere and require no equipment other than yourself! Start by lying face down on a flat surface with your hands shoulder width apart from one another and palms flat on the ground beneath you. Push up off of the ground using just your bodyweight until your arms are fully extended again at the top of the movement, then slowly lower yourself back down until your elbows form 90 degree angles at the bottom of the movement. Repeat this motion 10-15 times for 3 sets.

By consistently performing these exercises, you can help to increase soft tissue in your cleavage area over time while also strengthening and toning other muscles in that region! If you have any questions or would like more information about increasing soft tissue in this area without surgery, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI – we provide a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof!

Consider Surgery

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that having two breasts that are far apart can be a source of frustration and insecurity. For those who want to reduce the gap between their breasts, surgery may be an option.

Types of Breast Augmentation Procedures

breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that can help to increase the size and shape of your breasts. This type of procedure can also help to restore symmetry between the two breasts, reducing the gap between them. common breast augmentation procedures include breast implants, fat transfer and autologous fat grafting.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation Surgery

Surgery is often seen as a last resort for many people, but it can provide several benefits when it comes to correcting asymmetrical breasts. The main benefit is that it can provide a more permanent solution than other treatments such as exercises or non-surgical options. It can also help to improve self-esteem and confidence by providing a more symmetrical appearance.

Risks of Breast Augmentation Surgery

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. These risks include infection, scarring, changes in sensation in the area around the incision site and implant rupture or displacement. Additionally, there may be some complications related to anesthesia use during the procedure. It is important to discuss these potential risks with your doctor before undergoing any surgical procedure.

At milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we understand how important it is for our patients to feel confident in their own skin. We offer a variety of different liposuction technologies under one roof, allowing us to provide personalized care tailored to each patient’s individual needs and goals. If you are considering surgery as an option for reducing the gap between your breasts, please contact us today at (200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI) so that we can discuss your options further and determine if surgery is right for you.

Non-Surgical Options to Reduce the Gap between Breasts

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we provide a number of non-surgical options to reduce the gap between breasts. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to helping patients achieve their desired outcome in a safe and effective manner.

Filler Injections

Filler injections are one of the most popular non-surgical options for reducing the gap between breasts. Filler injections can be used to fill in hollow areas or add volume and shape to asymmetrical breasts. This procedure is relatively quick and simple, with minimal downtime. It is important to note that filler injections will not provide permanent results and may need to be repeated every few months in order to maintain the desired effect.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is another non-surgical option for reducing the gap between breasts. During this procedure, fat cells are harvested from another area of the body using liposuction techniques and then injected into the breasts. This helps to create a more symmetrical appearance by adding volume and shape where it is needed. The results from a fat transfer are generally long lasting, but it is important to note that some of the fat cells may be reabsorbed by the body over time.


breast implants can also be used as a non-surgical option for reducing the gap between breasts. Implants come in various shapes and sizes, allowing patients to customize their look according to their individual needs and preferences. This procedure is relatively quick and simple, with minimal downtime required afterwards. It is important to note that implants do not provide permanent results and may need to be replaced every few years in order to maintain the desired effect.

At milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we understand that each patient’s needs are unique, and our team of experienced professionals will work with you to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your individual goals and expectations. If you would like more information about our non-surgical options for reducing the gap between breasts, please contact us today!