How Can I Prepare for a Replacement Procedure for My Breasts Implants?

Posted on: July 3, 2023


The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic is proud to provide a comprehensive overview of breast implant replacement procedures. Breast implant replacement is a surgical procedure that involves removing old implants and replacing them with new ones. This blog post will discuss the reasons for replacing breast implants, preparation for the surgery, types of breast implants available, and the procedure for replacing them. We hope this information helps you make an informed decision about your breast implant replacement surgery.

Reasons for Replacing Breast Implants

Breast implant replacement is a surgical procedure performed to remove and replace existing breast implants with new ones. The reasons for replacing breast implants can vary from patient to patient, but typically involve changes in lifestyle or aesthetic goals, aging of the implants, rupture or leakage, capsular contracture, implant migration or malpositioning, and other medical reasons.

Aging or deflation of implants

The most common reason why women choose to replace their breast implants is due to the natural aging process. Over time, the saline or silicone gel inside the implant may become depleted due to wear and tear, leading to deflation or sagging of the breasts. In some cases, deflation may occur more quickly than expected if the original surgery was not performed correctly. Additionally, some patients may experience premature deflation due to a manufacturing defect in the implant itself.

Change in lifestyle or aesthetic goals

Another common reason for replacing breast implants is a change in lifestyle or aesthetic goals. For example, a woman who had her breasts augmented several years ago may now desire a more natural look and feel for her breasts that better reflects her current lifestyle and preferences. Additionally, some women may want to increase or decrease the size of their breasts after having children or experiencing significant weight loss or gain over time.

Rupture or leakage of implants

Rupture or leakage of breast implants can also be a cause for replacement surgery. Saline implants are particularly prone to rupture due to their thin walls that are easily damaged by trauma such as an accident or aggressive physical activity like running and jumping. Silicone gel implants are less likely to rupture but can still leak over time due to wear and tear on the material itself. If an implant ruptures or leaks it must be replaced as soon as possible in order to avoid further complications such as infection and tissue damage resulting from exposure to the silicone gel material inside the implant.

Capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is another condition that often requires replacement surgery in order to correct it properly. This occurs when scar tissue forms around the implant which causes it to harden and become misshapen over time. This can lead to pain as well as an unnatural appearance of the breasts that many women find undesirable and seek treatment for through replacement surgery.

Implant migration or malpositioning

In some cases, breast implants may migrate away from their original position if they were not placed correctly during surgery originally or if they have shifted over time due to normal movement of the body such as during exercise and activities like yoga and Pilates which involve stretching of muscles around the chest area. Additionally, certain habits such as sleeping on your stomach can cause your implants to move out of place over time which can lead them becoming malpositioned and requiring replacement surgery in order for them to return back into position correctly once again.

Other medical reasons for replacing implants

In rare cases there may be other medical reasons why replacement surgery might be necessary such as infection at the site of implant insertion, development of cancerous cells near an implant, autoimmune disorders causing inflammation around an implant, radiation therapy requiring removal of an implant, allergies caused by silicone gel materials used in certain types of implants, etc. All these conditions should be discussed with your doctor prior to undergoing any type of surgical procedure so that you are aware of all potential risks involved.

Reasons for replacing breast implants include aging, lifestyle/aesthetic changes, rupture/leakage, capsular contracture, migration/malpositioning and other medical reasons.

Preparation for Replacement Surgery

Replacing breast implants is a major surgery, and adequate preparation is important to ensure a successful outcome. The first step in preparing for replacement surgery is to choose a qualified surgeon and facility. It’s important to select a surgeon who has experience performing breast implant replacement procedures and understands the risks and benefits associated with the procedure. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the facility where the procedure will take place is accredited by an appropriate organization such as the Joint Commission or American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF).

Once you have selected your surgeon and facility, you should discuss the risks and benefits of breast implant replacement surgery with your doctor. This discussion should include any potential complications that may arise during or after surgery, as well as any advantages associated with replacing your implants. It’s also important to understand what type of anesthesia will be used during the procedure, as different types carry different risks.

In addition to discussing the risks and benefits of surgery with your doctor, you should also schedule any pre-operative tests or appointments that are required prior to undergoing the procedure. Depending on your medical history and individual circumstances, these tests or appointments may include blood work, mammograms, chest X-rays, an electrocardiogram (ECG), or other imaging tests. Your doctor may also recommend adjusting certain medications before undergoing breast implant replacement surgery.

Prior to surgery, it’s important to stop smoking if you are currently a smoker. Smoking can significantly increase the risk of surgical complications such as wound healing problems and infection, so quitting smoking at least two weeks before undergoing surgery is essential for minimizing these risks. Additionally, it’s important to follow all pre-operative instructions provided by your doctor prior to undergoing breast implant replacement surgery; these instructions typically include avoiding certain foods or beverages before surgery and fasting several hours prior to the procedure itself.

By taking these steps prior to undergoing breast implant replacement surgery, you can help ensure that your procedure goes smoothly with minimal risk of complications.

Choose a qualified surgeon and facility
Select a surgeon experienced in breast implant replacement procedures and an accredited facility.
Discuss risks and benefits with doctor
Understand potential complications, anesthesia type, and advantages of replacing implants.
Schedule pre-operative tests/appointments
Blood work, mammograms, chest X-rays, ECG, or other imaging tests may be required.
Stop smoking (if applicable)
Quit smoking at least two weeks prior to surgery to reduce risk of wound healing problems and infection.
Follow pre-operative instructions
Avoid certain foods or beverages before surgery and fast several hours prior to procedure.

Types of Breast Implants

When considering a breast implant replacement procedure, it is important to understand the different types of implants available. There are two primary types of implants used in breast augmentation: saline and silicone gel.

Saline Implants

Saline implants are filled with a sterile saltwater solution and have an outer shell made of silicone. These implants are typically filled during surgery, which allows the surgeon to customize the size and shape of each implant to suit the patient’s body. Saline implants tend to feel less natural than silicone gel implants, but they provide more flexibility during the procedure as well as a lower risk of complications due to their low viscosity.

Silicone Gel Implants

Silicone gel implants are pre-filled with a thick, cohesive silicone gel that mimics the consistency of natural breast tissue more closely than saline does. The outer shell is also made from silicone and is more durable than that of saline implants. Silicone gel implants may feel more natural than saline but may be more prone to rupture or leakage due to their higher viscosity.

Overall, both types of breast implants have advantages and disadvantages that should be discussed with your doctor prior to undergoing a replacement procedure. It is important to carefully consider all options before deciding which type of implant is best for you and your individual needs.

Understanding the types of breast implants available and their advantages/disadvantages is important when considering a replacement procedure. saline implants
are filled during surgery, silicone gel implants are pre-filled and mimic natural tissue.

Procedure for Replacing Breast Implants

The procedure for replacing breast implants is a relatively straightforward one, but it can vary depending on the type of implant being used and the individual patient’s needs. It is important to discuss the specifics of the procedure with your surgeon prior to undergoing any surgery.

Pre-operative Preparation and Positioning

Before beginning the procedure, your surgeon will use markers to draw circles around each breast in order to ensure proper placement of the new implants. You will be given an IV line and anesthesia, and then positioned lying down on your back with your arms raised above your head.

Incision Types and Placement

The type of incision used during breast implant replacement depends on several factors, including the size and type of implant being used as well as whether you are replacing only one or both implants. Common incision types include inframammary (in the crease below the breast), periareolar (around the nipple area), transaxillary (in the armpit) or transumbilical (through the belly button). The incisions are usually made small enough that they are easily concealed by clothing or swimwear once healed.

Removal of Old Implants

Once the incisions have been made, your surgeon will remove any existing implants from their pockets in order to make room for new ones. This process may involve cutting away scar tissue that has formed around the old implants, which can cause some discomfort during recovery.

Insertion of New Implants

Your surgeon will then insert new implants into their respective pockets, taking care to ensure that they are properly centered beneath each breast mound before suturing them in place. Depending on your individual needs, different types of implants may be used such as saline or silicone gel filled varieties, textured or smooth surfaced varieties or round versus anatomically shaped varieties.

Closing Incisions

Once both implants have been inserted, your surgeon will close up each incision using sutures or surgical glue in order to minimize scarring and reduce risk of infection after surgery is complete.

Post-operative Recovery and Follow-up Care

After surgery is complete, you will be taken to a recovery room where you can rest until you are ready to go home. You should plan on taking at least a week off from work or other activities while you recover from surgery; however this timeline can vary depending on how quickly you heal from surgery and how well you follow post-operative instructions given by your doctor such as avoiding strenuous activities and wearing a compression garment over your chest area for several weeks following surgery in order to reduce swelling and promote healing. Your surgeon may also recommend regular follow-up appointments in order to monitor healing progress and check for any potential complications related to your implant replacement procedure.

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that breast implant replacement is a major decision and we are here to help you through it. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable surgeons can provide you with personalized care and attention throughout the process. We strive to ensure our patients feel comfortable and confident in their decisions about their health. Contact us today to learn more about breast implant replacement procedures or any other liposuction services we offer.