Liposuction: What Can Be Treated?

Posted on: April 7, 2023


At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that liposuction can be a big decision. That’s why we want to make sure our patients are informed about the procedure and its benefits. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from targeted areas of the body using suction. It is used to contour and reshape different parts of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, arms, neck, chin, back, hips, buttocks, calves, and ankles.

We offer a variety of liposuction technologies under one roof to help you achieve your desired results. Our experienced team will work with you to determine if liposuction is right for you and provide you with post-surgery recovery tips. We also want to inform our patients of the potential risks and complications associated with the procedure as well as alternatives to liposuction.

Our goal is to provide our patients with all the information they need to make an informed decision about whether liposuction is right for them. Read on to learn more about what areas can be treated with liposuction and if it’s right for you!

What Areas Can Be Treated with Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can be used to remove excess fat from specific areas of the body. The procedure involves inserting a small tube called a cannula beneath the skin and suctioning out the fat cells. Liposuction can be used to contour and sculpt the body, creating a more attractive shape.


The abdomen is one of the most common areas treated with liposuction. It can be used to remove excess fat from the stomach area and create a flatter, more toned appearance. liposuction can also help to reduce a protruding belly or “muffin top” by removing stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.


Liposuction is often used to slim down the thighs and reduce the appearance of “saddlebags”. This procedure can be used to remove excess fat from both the inner and outer thighs, creating a more toned and shapely appearance. It can also help to create a smoother transition between the thighs and buttocks for a more proportionate figure.


Excess fat around the arms can cause them to look bulky or flabby, making it difficult to fit into certain clothing styles. Liposuction can be used to remove this excess fat and create more defined arm contours for a slimmer look. It can also help reduce sagging skin that often occurs with age or weight fluctuations.

Neck and Chin

For those who struggle with excess fat in their neck or chin area, liposuction may be an effective solution. This procedure can help reduce a double chin or create a slimmer jawline for an overall more youthful appearance. It can also help create better definition between the neck and chin for an attractive profile view.


back liposuction is often used to remove stubborn fat deposits from areas such as the bra line, love handles, or lower back region. This procedure can help create a smoother transition between these areas for an overall sleeker appearance in clothing styles such as form-fitting dresses or swimsuits.

Hips and Buttocks

Liposuction can be used to reshape the hips and buttocks area for an improved body contour. The procedure can help reduce stubborn pockets of fat from these areas while creating more definition between them for an attractive hourglass figure. It may also help reduce cellulite or dimpling in these regions for smoother skin texture overall.

Calves and Ankles

Liposuction may also be used on the calves and ankles for those who struggle with bulky lower legs due to excess fat deposits in these areas. This procedure can help slim down these regions while creating better definition between them for an overall sleeker look in clothing styles such as skinny jeans or leggings.

Is Liposuction Right for You?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help individuals achieve their desired body shape and size. But is it right for you? Before undergoing any procedure, it is important to understand the risks and benefits associated with it.

Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

The best candidates for liposuction are those who are in good physical health and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. Individuals should also be within 30% of their ideal body weight, as liposuction is not intended to be a weight loss solution. Additionally, liposuction should not be used as a substitute for proper diet and exercise.

Risks and Complications of Liposuction

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with liposuction, such as infection, bleeding, nerve damage, and scarring. It is important to discuss these potential risks with your doctor before undergoing the procedure. Additionally, some individuals may experience changes in skin sensation or numbness in the treated area after liposuction, which can last anywhere from weeks to months.

Post-Surgery Recovery Tips

After undergoing liposuction, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions for post-surgery care. This may include wearing compression garments for a few weeks to help reduce swelling and bruising, abstaining from strenuous activities for several weeks, and avoiding direct sunlight on the treated area until fully healed.

Alternatives to Liposuction

If you are not a good candidate for liposuction or do not wish to undergo surgery, there are alternatives available that can help you achieve your desired body shape without surgery. These include non-invasive procedures such as laser lipolysis, CoolSculpting®, and radiofrequency treatments. These treatments use heat or cold energy to break down fat cells without surgery or downtime.

When considering any cosmetic procedure, it is important to weigh the risks and benefits carefully and consult with a qualified medical professional before making a decision. Liposuction can be an effective way to achieve your desired body shape but it’s important to understand that it may not be right for everyone.


At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that liposuction is a major decision and it’s important to make sure it’s the right choice for you. We offer a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof, so that we can provide the best options for each individual patient.

Recap of Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction is a safe and effective procedure that can help you achieve the look you desire by removing stubborn fat deposits in areas such as your abdomen, thighs, arms, neck and chin, back, hips and buttocks, calves and ankles. It can also help improve body contour and shape, giving you a more toned and proportionate look.

Summary of Areas That Can Be Treated with Liposuction

At the milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we specialize in treating all areas of the body with liposuction including the abdomen, thighs, arms, neck and chin, back, hips and buttocks, calves and ankles. Our experienced team will work with you to determine if liposuction is the right choice for you and guide you through every step of the process to ensure your safety and satisfaction.

We invite you to contact our office at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI to learn more about how liposuction can help you achieve your desired look.