Unlock Your Pre-Pregnancy Figure: A Guide to Mommy Makeovers

Posted on: May 22, 2023


At milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we understand the physical and emotional effects of pregnancy on the body, and are proud to offer Mommy Makeovers as a comprehensive solution for restoring your pre-pregnancy appearance. A Mommy Makeover is a combination of procedures designed to reverse the effects of pregnancy on the body, typically including procedures to improve abdominal and breast contours, as well as other problem areas such as localized fat collections and love handles. We invite you to come in for a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to discuss how a Mommy Makeover can help you achieve your desired results.


A Mommy Makeover typically includes an abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, to improve the abdominal contour after pregnancy. This procedure involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles, resulting in a flatter, smoother stomach. It is often combined with liposuction to remove localized fat collections and love handles for a more comprehensive result.

Description of Procedure

An abdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure that requires general anesthesia. The surgeon first makes an incision low on the abdomen, usually just above the pubic area. The length of the incision will depend on the amount of skin and fat to be removed. The surgeon then separates the skin from the abdominal wall and tightens the underlying muscles by suturing them together. Any excess skin is trimmed away and the remaining skin is pulled down and closed with sutures or staples. Liposuction may also be used to remove stubborn fat deposits from areas such as the hips and waistline for a more sculpted look.

Recovery Timeline

The recovery timeline for abdominoplasty varies depending on individual factors such as age and overall health, but most patients can expect to take at least one week off work for recovery. During this time, patients should plan on taking it easy and avoiding strenuous activities such as heavy lifting or exercise until cleared by their doctor. Pain medications may be prescribed to help manage any discomfort during this period, but should be taken only as directed by your physician in order to avoid complications such as nausea or constipation. Swelling is common after surgery and may take several weeks to resolve completely; wearing a compression garment can help minimize swelling during this time period.

Post-Operative Care

It is important to follow all post-operative instructions closely in order to ensure proper healing and optimal results following an abdominoplasty procedure. Patients should keep their incision site clean and dry at all times; showering rather than bathing is recommended until cleared by your doctor. Additionally, patients should wear loose fitting clothing that does not rub against or irritate the incision site during recovery; scar massage may also be recommended by your doctor in order to reduce scarring once healing has occurred sufficiently. Following these guidelines can help ensure a safe recovery with beautiful results!

Recovery Timeline
Post-Operative Care
Removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen while tightening the underlying muscles. Often combined with liposuction.
1 week off work; pain medications as directed; compression garment to minimize swelling.
Keep incision site clean and dry; wear loose fitting clothing; scar massage may be recommended.

Breast Surgery

A Mommy Makeover typically includes breast surgery, which can help to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy figure. There are several different types of breast surgeries that may be included in a Mommy Makeover, depending on the individual patient’s needs and desired outcome.

Description of Procedure

Breast augmentation is one of the most common procedures included in a Mommy Makeover. This procedure uses implants to increase the size and shape of the breasts, as well as to correct any asymmetry that may have occurred during pregnancy. Breast lift surgery is another option for those looking to improve their breast contours after pregnancy. This procedure removes excess skin and tightens the underlying tissue to create a more youthful appearance. In some cases, both breast augmentation and breast lift surgery may be performed in combination for optimal results.

Recovery Timeline

The recovery timeline for breast surgery varies depending on the type of procedure performed and the individual patient’s healing process. Generally speaking, patients can expect to experience some swelling and bruising immediately after the procedure, which should subside within 2-4 weeks. Most patients are able to return to work within 1-2 weeks after their procedure, although strenuous activities should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks after surgery.

Post-Operative Care

It is important for patients who have undergone breast surgery as part of their Mommy Makeover to follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully in order to ensure optimal results and minimize complications. Patients should avoid lifting heavy objects or engaging in strenuous activities for at least 4-6 weeks following their surgery, and they should also wear a supportive bra or garment for at least 6 weeks postoperatively. Additionally, it is important for patients to keep all follow up appointments with their surgeon in order to monitor healing progress and address any concerns or questions that may arise during recovery.

Overall, breast surgery can be an effective way to restore a woman’s pre-pregnancy figure after childbirth. It is important for those considering a Mommy Makeover to consult with an experienced board certified plastic surgeon prior to undergoing any procedures in order to determine which treatments are best suited for their individual needs and desired outcomes

Recovery Time
Post-Operative Care
Breast Augmentation
2-4 weeks for swelling and bruising, 1-2 weeks to return to work, 4-6 weeks to avoid strenuous activities
Wear supportive bra or garment for 6 weeks postoperatively, avoid lifting heavy objects, keep follow up appointments with surgeon
Breast Lift Surgery
2-4 weeks for swelling and bruising, 1-2 weeks to return to work, 4-6 weeks to avoid strenuous activities
Wear supportive bra or garment for 6 weeks postoperatively, avoid lifting heavy objects, keep follow up appointments with surgeon

Additional Procedures

mommy makeovers are designed to help reverse the effects of pregnancy on the body, and typically include procedures to improve abdominal and breast contours, as well as other problem areas such as localized fat collections and love handles. In addition to these common procedures, there are several other treatments that may be included in a Mommy Makeover depending on the individual patient’s needs and desires.

Description of Commonly Performed Additional Procedures

One of the most popular additional treatments for Mommy Makeovers is liposuction, which can be used to remove stubborn pockets of fat from areas such as the abdomen, flanks (love handles), hips, thighs, arms, neck, and back. Liposuction can also be used in combination with other procedures such as abdominoplasty or breast surgery to achieve a more comprehensive result. Other commonly performed additional procedures for Mommy Makeovers include arm lifts (brachioplasty), thigh lifts, buttock lifts, labiaplasty (vaginal rejuvenation), and facial rejuvenation treatments such as dermal fillers or laser skin resurfacing.

Recovery Timeline for Additional Procedures

The recovery process will vary depending on the type of procedure performed; however, most patients can expect to take one to two weeks off work following their mommy makeover surgery. Liposuction typically has a shorter recovery period than abdominoplasty or breast surgery; however it is important to note that swelling may last for several weeks after any surgical procedure. Arm lifts and thigh lifts have an average recovery time of two weeks before returning to normal activities; however strenuous activity should be avoided for at least four weeks after surgery. Buttock lifts require a longer recovery period due to the extensive nature of the incisions; patients should plan on taking three weeks off work before returning to their regular activities. Labiaplasty and facial rejuvenation treatments typically have shorter recovery periods; most patients can return to their daily activities within one week after treatment.

It is important that all patients follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully in order to ensure a safe and successful recovery from their mommy makeover procedure. Patients should also contact their surgeon if they experience any signs of infection or other complications during the recovery process. With proper care and attention, patients can enjoy long-lasting results from their mommy makeover procedure that will help them look and feel their best after pregnancy!


mommy makeovers are a great way to restore your pre-pregnancy body and give you back the confidence you may have lost during pregnancy. At milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we provide a wide range of liposuction technologies so that you can find the best option for your body. Our board-certified plastic surgeons will help guide you through every step of the process and ensure that you get the results you desire.

If you’re considering a Mommy Makeover, we encourage you to come in for a free consultation at our Brookfield office located at 200 S Executive Dr #101. We look forward to helping you achieve your body goals and regain the confidence that comes with having a beautiful, post-pregnancy body!