How Much Does Lipo 360 Hurt Compared to a Tummy Tuck?

Posted on: April 17, 2023


At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we provide a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof. Lipo 360 and tummy tuck are two popular procedures that help patients achieve their desired body shape. Lipo 360 is a procedure where fat is removed from the abdomen, hips, and back to create a more contoured waistline. A tummy tuck involves removing excess fat and skin from the abdomen area to create a flatter stomach. In this blog post, we will discuss the pain levels associated with both procedures and provide tips on how to manage pain during recovery.

 A. Definition of Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is a body contouring procedure that removes fat from the abdomen, hips, and back areas to create a more contoured waistline. It is typically performed under general anesthesia and involves making small incisions in the treatment areas.

B. Definition of Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen area to create a flatter stomach. It is usually performed under general anesthesia and involves making an incision in the lower abdomen area to access the underlying muscles and tissues.

C. Overview of Pain Levels

Both lipo 360 and tummy tuck are invasive procedures that involve some degree of discomfort during recovery. While pain levels vary for each individual, both procedures can cause mild to moderate pain depending on individual factors such as age, health condition, and lifestyle habits.

Comparing Pain Levels of Lipo 360 and Tummy Tuck

Lipo 360 and a tummy tuck are two popular body contouring procedures that can help to create a more toned and shapely physique. While both surgeries have great results, it’s important to consider the pain levels associated with each procedure. In this section, we will compare the pain levels of Lipo 360 and a tummy tuck so that you can make an informed decision about which procedure is right for you.

Lipo 360

Lipo 360 is a surgical procedure that involves removing excess fat from the entire circumference of the waistline. During the procedure, a small incision is made in the skin and a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the area to suction out fat cells. The incisions are then closed with sutures or staples.

The recovery period after Lipo 360 is typically quite short and most patients experience minimal pain during this time. Some soreness and bruising may occur, but this should subside within a few days or weeks. Additionally, most patients feel comfortable returning to their normal activities within one week of their surgery.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen. During the procedure, an incision is made across the lower abdomen and excess fat and skin are removed from the area. The remaining skin is then pulled tight and sutured together for a more toned appearance.

Pain during recovery from a tummy tuck can be more intense than with Lipo 360 due to the larger incisions involved in the procedure. Most patients report feeling soreness and stiffness in their abdominal area during recovery, which can last anywhere from several days to several weeks. Additionally, some swelling may occur in the abdominal area during recovery, which can increase discomfort levels.

Factors that Influence Pain Levels for Both Procedures

  • or a tummy tuck will depend on several factors including:
  • The size of the incisions made during surgery
  • The extent of fat removed during surgery
  • The individual’s tolerance for pain
  • How well they follow post-operative instructions
  • Whether they experience any complications after surgery
  • Their overall health prior to surgery
  • Their lifestyle choices such as smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Their diet and exercise habits prior to surgery

By considering these factors, you can get an idea of what kind of pain you may experience during your recovery from either Lipo 360 or a tummy tuck. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone’s experience with post-operative pain will be different depending on their unique circumstances.

How to Manage Pain After Lipo 360 or a Tummy Tuck

Pain management is an important part of the recovery process for both Lipo 360 and tummy tuck procedures. Although the levels of pain experienced may vary from person to person, there are various strategies that can be used to manage pain and help ensure a smoother recovery.

Medications and Analgesics

Prescription medications are often prescribed after these procedures to help reduce pain and manage any discomfort. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen are typically recommended to help reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain. In more severe cases, opioid medications such as codeine or oxycodone may be prescribed in order to provide more relief. It is important to take these medications only as prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid any potential risks associated with misuse or overuse.

Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy

Physical therapy can be an effective way to manage post-operative pain and discomfort. A physical therapist can help guide patients through specific exercises that can help promote healing and reduce pain in the affected area. Massage therapy is also beneficial for helping to reduce tension, increase circulation, and alleviate muscle soreness that may occur during the recovery process. Both physical therapy and massage therapy should be done under the supervision of a qualified professional in order to ensure that they are being done properly and safely.

Heat and Cold Therapy

Heat and cold therapies can also be used to help manage pain after surgery. Applying heat packs or warm towels over the affected area can help relax muscles and improve circulation, while cold packs or ice packs can help reduce swelling and inflammation. It is important to use caution when applying either type of treatment in order to avoid any potential risks associated with overexposure or improper use of the treatments.

Diet and Exercise Regimen to Help with Recovery

Eating a healthy diet filled with nutrient-rich foods can help promote healing after surgery as well as reduce levels of discomfort due to inflammation or muscle soreness. Additionally, it is important to follow an exercise regimen that has been approved by one’s doctor in order to ensure that the body is not overworked during the recovery process but still receiving enough activity in order to maintain strength and flexibility in the affected areas.

Mental Health Support to Cope with Pain and Stress During Recovery

Recovering from a surgical procedure can be a stressful experience, so it is important for patients to have access to mental health support throughout their recovery process in order to cope with any feelings of anxiety or depression that may arise due to pain or other factors related to their surgery. Talking with friends or family members about one’s experience may also be helpful in managing stress levels during recovery, as well as seeking out professional counseling if necessary.

In conclusion, there are many strategies available for managing post-operative pain after Lipo 360 or a tummy tuck procedure, including medications, physical therapy, massage therapy, heat/cold therapy, diet/exercise regimens, and mental health support services. By utilizing these strategies effectively during recovery, individuals can ensure that they are able to manage their pain levels more effectively while allowing their bodies adequate time for healing following their surgery.

Medications and Analgesics
Prescription medications to reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.
Physical Therapy and Massage Therapy
Exercises to promote healing and reduce pain, massage to reduce tension.
Heat and Cold Therapy
Heat packs/warm towels to relax muscles, cold packs/ice packs to reduce swelling.
Diet and Exercise Regimen
Nutrient-rich diet to promote healing, approved exercise regimen for strength and flexibility.
Mental Health Support
Access to mental health support for anxiety or depression, talking with friends/family about experience.


At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that pain management is an important factor to consider when deciding between Lipo 360 and a tummy tuck. While both procedures can cause some level of pain during recovery, there are many strategies available to help manage the discomfort.

Summary of Key Points on Comparing Pain Levels Between Lipo 360 and a Tummy Tuck

Lipo 360 is an advanced form of liposuction that removes fat from multiple areas of the body. The procedure itself is minimally invasive and generally causes minimal discomfort during recovery. Tummy tucks involve surgically removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen, which can cause more significant levels of pain than Lipo 360 during recovery. However, there are several factors that can influence the level of pain experienced with either procedure, such as age, health status, and lifestyle habits.

Overview of Strategies to Manage Post-operative Pain

Fortunately, there are many ways to manage post-operative pain after liposuction or a tummy tuck. This includes taking medications and analgesics prescribed by your doctor, engaging in physical therapy and massage therapy to reduce swelling, using heat and cold therapy for relief, following a diet and exercise regimen to help with recovery, and seeking mental health support to cope with pain and stress during recovery.

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we strive to provide our patients with comprehensive information about their options so they can make informed decisions about their care. We hope this blog post has been helpful in understanding the differences between Lipo 360 and a tummy tuck in terms of pain levels during recovery. If you have any questions or would like more information about either procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI or call us at (000) 000-0000.