The Benefits of Breast Reduction: How to Achieve a More Balanced Look

Posted on: February 10, 2023

Did the stitches not dissolve after a breast reduction?

No, the stitches used after a breast reduction are usually dissolvable sutures that will dissolve over time. However, some surgeons may use non-dissolvable stitches, which will need to be removed after the surgery.

How long does a patient typically have to wait for a surgery date after a consultation?

The amount of time it takes for a patient to receive a surgery date after a consultation can vary greatly depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s individual health situation. Generally speaking, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months for a patient to receive a surgery date after a consultation.

Are benign lumps common after a breast reduction/lift?

Yes, benign lumps are common after a breast reduction or lift. These lumps are usually caused by scar tissue, which forms during the healing process. If you experience any lumps, it is important to get them checked by your doctor to make sure they are not cancerous.

Is it worthwhile to get a breast reduction surgery if you are overweight?

It is not recommended to undergo any type of surgery if you are overweight, as the risks are higher. It is best to speak to your doctor about the best course of action for you.

What activities should be avoided after breast reduction surgery?

1. Avoid strenuous physical activities, such as running, jogging, weight lifting, or any other activity that may cause strain on the chest area.

2. Refrain from any activities that involve excessive arm movement, such as tennis, golf, and swimming.

3. Avoid a lot of bouncing, such as trampolining or jumping on a trampoline.

4. Avoid contact with the chest area, such as contact sports.

5. Avoid sudden, jerking movements, such as dancing or aerobics.

6. Avoid extreme heat, such as hot yoga or saunas.

What are the risks of hematoma after breast reduction surgery?

The risks of hematoma after breast reduction surgery include:

1. Pain and discomfort: Hematomas can cause pain and discomfort in the area of the surgery.

2. Infection: A hematoma can increase the risk of infection because it is a collection of blood that can become a breeding ground for bacteria.

3. Delayed healing: If a hematoma is not drained, it can cause a delay in the healing process.

4. Scarring: A hematoma can cause scarring in the area of the surgery.

5. Blood clots: If a hematoma is not drained, it can lead to blood clots, which can be dangerous if they travel to the lungs or other areas of the body.

What type of bra should I wear after the wrap is removed from having a breast reduction?

It is best to speak with your doctor about what type of bra you should wear after your breast reduction surgery. Depending on your individual situation, your doctor may recommend a supportive, non-wired bra with wide straps, or a post-surgical compression bra.

When can I stop wearing a bra after breast reduction surgery?

It is recommended that you wear a supportive bra for at least 6 weeks after breast reduction surgery to help support the healing process. After that, you can gradually transition to wearing a comfortable, supportive bra as needed.

Is it normal for breasts to itch after reduction surgery?

Yes, it is normal for breasts to itch after reduction surgery. It is a common side effect of the surgery and will usually subside over time. Your doctor may recommend a topical cream or ointment to help relieve the itching.