Rejuvenate Your Cheeks with Plastic Surgery What You Need to Know

Posted on: August 30, 2023

Cheek rejuvenation is a cosmetic procedure used to improve the appearance of the cheeks, creating a more youthful look. It can be done through non-surgical or surgical means, depending on the patient’s needs and desired outcome. The goal of cheek rejuvenation is to restore volume, reduce drooping, and provide a more balanced facial structure.

Definition of Facial Aesthetics

Facial aesthetics refers to the overall look and shape of the face. This includes the size and position of the nose, lips, eyes, chin, forehead, and cheeks. When these features are properly balanced and aesthetically pleasing, it creates an overall attractive appearance.

Causes of Drooping Cheeks

The cheeks are often one of the first areas to show signs of aging due to gravity and loss of collagen. As we age, our skin loses its elasticity which causes sagging in the cheeks. Additionally, sun damage can cause wrinkles and discoloration in this area as well. Cheek rejuvenation can help restore volume and firmness in this area for a more youthful look.

Cheek rejuvenation restores volume, reduces drooping, and provides balanced facial structure; facial aesthetics refers to overall look and shape of face; causes of drooping cheeks include aging, gravity, sun damage.

Non-Surgical Cheek Augmentation

non-surgical cheek augmentation is a safe and effective way to improve the contours of the face without undergoing invasive surgery. This procedure can be used to restore volume and lift the cheeks, creating a more youthful appearance. There are two primary methods of non-surgical cheek augmentation: autologous fat injections and dermal fillers.

Autologous Fat Injections

Autologous fat injections involve harvesting fat from one area of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and injecting it into the cheeks. The injected fat helps to add volume to the face, creating a more youthful appearance. Autologous fat injections can also help to reduce wrinkles and fine lines around the mouth and eyes. This procedure is relatively quick and requires minimal downtime.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are injectable substances that are used to add volume to areas of the face that have lost volume due to aging or other factors. Dermal fillers are typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps retain moisture in connective tissues. When injected into the cheeks, dermal fillers can help restore fullness and definition for a more youthful appearance. Results from dermal filler treatments typically last between six months and two years before they need to be re-treated.

Surgical Cheek Augmentation

Cheek augmentation is a surgical procedure that helps to improve the appearance of the cheeks by adding volume and definition. This procedure can help to restore lost volume due to aging, or enhance the existing shape of the face. It is a safe and effective way to achieve a more youthful look.

Radiograph Evaluation

Before undergoing cheek augmentation surgery, it is important for patients to have an in-depth evaluation from their surgeon. During this evaluation, the surgeon will use radiographs to determine the facial structure and bone structure of the patient. This helps them to plan out where incisions should be placed and how much fat or filler should be used during the procedure.

Incision Placement

Once the evaluation has been completed, the surgeon will then decide where to make incisions for cheek augmentation surgery. Depending on the patient’s goals and anatomy, these incisions may be made around the mouth, below the chin, or inside of the lower eyelid. The surgeon will then insert fat or fillers through these incisions in order to add volume and definition to the cheeks.

Postoperative Care

After a successful cheek augmentation surgery, patients are advised to follow their surgeon’s postoperative instructions carefully in order to ensure proper healing and optimal results. These instructions typically include avoiding strenuous activities for several weeks after surgery, as well as avoiding direct sunlight exposure until all swelling has subsided. Additionally, patients may need to wear a compression garment for up to six weeks following their procedure in order to reduce swelling and bruising. Patients may also need to take medications such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs in order to reduce pain and inflammation after surgery.

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in facial aesthetics to join the ASPS Connect platform. This platform allows members to connect with plastic surgeons, share experiences, and learn more about cheek rejuvenation and other facial aesthetic procedures.


Cheek rejuvenation is an important part of facial aesthetics and can help improve the appearance of aging or sagging cheeks. There are both surgical and non-surgical options for those looking to achieve a more youthful look, with each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Autologous fat injections, dermal fillers, and cheek augmentation surgery are all viable options depending on the desired outcome. Joining ASPS Connect is also beneficial for those who want to stay up-to-date on the latest news and research in facial aesthetic procedures. Ultimately, it is important to consult with a board certified plastic surgeon to determine which option is best for you.

Cheek rejuvenation can improve aging or sagging appearance; autologous fat injections, dermal fillers, and surgery options available; consult board-certified plastic surgeon for best option.