
Posted on: September 7, 2023

At the Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we specialize in providing nonsurgical body contouring treatments to help you achieve the body shape you desire without the need for surgery. Nonsurgical body contouring is a process that involves removing fat and reshaping areas of your body through non-invasive techniques such as injections, laser treatments, and radiofrequency energy. This type of body contouring can be used to improve the appearance of areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, arms, legs, and face.

The benefits of nonsurgical body contouring include minimal downtime and discomfort compared to traditional surgical procedures. Additionally, this type of procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis so there is no need for a hospital stay or extended recovery period. Furthermore, nonsurgical body contouring is often less expensive than more invasive surgeries and can provide long-lasting results with proper maintenance.

At our clinic, we offer a variety of different treatments to help you achieve your desired results including natural breast fat augmentation, liposuction vs alternatives, and many other types of body contouring procedures. We will discuss each of these treatments in detail in the following sections so that you can make an informed decision about which option is best for you.

Natural Breast Fat Augmentation

Natural breast fat augmentation is a nonsurgical body contouring procedure that uses the patient’s own fat to increase the size and shape of their breasts. This procedure can be used to correct asymmetries, reduce sagging, and create a more aesthetically pleasing shape. The procedure is minimally invasive, requires no incisions, and typically has a shorter recovery time than traditional breast augmentation surgery.

What is natural breast fat augmentation?

Natural breast fat augmentation is a nonsurgical body contouring procedure that uses the patient’s own fat to increase the size and shape of their breasts. During the procedure, fat cells are harvested from areas of the body such as the thighs, abdomen, or buttocks through liposuction. The harvested fat cells are then purified and injected into the breasts to enhance their size and/or shape.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural breast fat augmentation

The primary advantage of natural breast fat augmentation is that it uses the patient’s own fat cells which eliminates any risk of allergic reactions or rejection by the body. Additionally, this procedure does not require any incisions which reduces scarring and shortens recovery time compared to traditional breast augmentation surgery. However, one disadvantage of this procedure is that it may not produce as dramatic results as traditional surgery due to its limited ability to add large amounts of volume to the breasts.

What to expect during the procedure and recovery period

Prior to undergoing natural breast fat augmentation, patients should discuss all potential risks with their doctor in order to make an informed decision about whether this procedure is right for them. During the actual procedure, local anesthesia will be administered in order to minimize any discomfort during liposuction and injection of harvested fat cells into the breasts. Patients may experience some bruising, swelling, soreness, or numbness at the injection sites for several weeks after the procedure; however these side effects should subside over time with proper care and rest.

Tips for preparing for natural breast fat augmentation

In order to ensure optimal results from natural breast fat augmentation, it is important for patients to properly prepare for this procedure prior to their appointment date:

  • Patients should avoid taking any medications such as ibuprofen or aspirin two weeks before their appointment.
  • Patients should also avoid smoking or drinking alcohol two weeks prior to their appointment.
  • Patients should wear loose clothing on the day of their appointment in order to minimize discomfort.
  • Patients should also arrange for someone else to drive them home after their appointment.

By following these tips prior to undergoing natural breast fat augmentation patients can help ensure optimal results with minimal discomfort during recovery period after their treatment session is complete.

Natural breast fat augmentation
Uses patient’s own fat cells
No incisions required
Shorter recovery time than traditional surgery
May not produce as dramatic results as traditional surgery

Liposuction vs Alternatives

Nonsurgical body contouring is a growing trend in the aesthetic industry, as more and more people are looking for safe and effective ways to get the body shape they desire without going under the knife. One of the most popular treatments for body contouring is liposuction, but there are alternatives that offer similar results with less risk and downtime. In this section, we’ll compare prices and results of liposuction versus alternatives, discuss the pros and cons of Lipo 360 versus tummy tuck, and look at the results of summer Brazilian butt lift.

Comparing Prices and Results of Liposuction vs Alternatives

Liposuction is one of the most popular body contouring procedures available today, but it’s not always the best option for everyone. The cost of liposuction varies depending on how much fat needs to be removed and where it needs to be removed from, but typically ranges from $2,000-$7,000 per area treated. The procedure involves surgically removing excess fat from areas such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, arms, back, or neck using a thin tube called a cannula. The results are usually noticeable immediately after surgery and continue to improve over time as swelling subsides.

Alternatives to liposuction include nonsurgical body contouring treatments such as CoolSculpting or SculpSure. These treatments use controlled cooling or laser energy to target and destroy fat cells without surgery or downtime. They typically cost between $500-$1,500 per area treated and require multiple sessions for best results. While these treatments are not as effective as liposuction in removing large amounts of fat from an area quickly, they can help reduce stubborn pockets of fat that don’t respond to diet or exercise alone.

Pros and Cons of Lipo 360 vs Tummy Tuck

Lipo 360 is a type of liposuction that targets fat around the entire midsection (abdomen, waistline, flanks). It can help sculpt your figure by removing excess fat from these areas while tightening skin in order to create a smoother silhouette. The procedure usually takes about two hours to complete and requires general anesthesia or IV sedation depending on how much fat needs to be removed. Recovery time varies depending on how much fat was removed; typically patients can return to work within one week after surgery but should avoid strenuous activities for several weeks afterwards.

Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is another popular body contouring procedure used to remove excess skin around the midsection while tightening underlying abdominal muscles for a flatter stomach appearance. This procedure requires general anesthesia or IV sedation and usually takes two-four hours depending on how extensive it needs to be; recovery time is usually two-four weeks before you can return to normal activities such as exercising or driving a car again. While tummy tucks offer excellent results for those with sagging skin due to pregnancy or weight loss, they cannot remove large amounts of fat like lipo 360 can so if you have excess fat in addition to loose skin then lipo 360 may be a better option for you.

Results of Summer Brazilian Butt Lift

Summer Brazilian butt lifts are gaining popularity because they provide excellent results with minimal downtime compared with traditional butt augmentation procedures such as implants or gluteal augmentation with fat transfer (also known as BBL). This procedure uses laser technology combined with radiofrequency energy in order to stimulate collagen production in order to lift and shape your buttocks while also reducing cellulite in other parts of your body such as your thighs or abdomen at the same time! The procedure typically takes about two hours under local anesthesia; patients can expect some mild discomfort during treatment but no downtime afterwards so you can start enjoying your new curves right away!

Comparing prices and results of liposuction vs alternatives, pros and cons of Lipo 360 vs tummy tuck, and results of summer Brazilian butt lift. Nonsurgical body contouring is a growing trend, liposuction is popular but not always the best option for everyone, CoolSculpting or SculpSure offer similar results with less risk and downtime, Lipo 360 can help sculpt figure while tummy tuck removes excess skin, Summer Brazilian butt lifts provide excellent results with minimal downtime.

Body Contouring

Nonsurgical body contouring is quickly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for those looking to improve their appearance without undergoing surgery. This type of body contouring can help reduce fat deposits in areas like the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, as well as enhance other areas such as the breasts and face. Nonsurgical body contouring can also be used to treat stretch marks, cellulite, and other skin imperfections.

Overview of Different Body Contouring Procedures

Nonsurgical body contouring treatments are typically non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures that use various energy sources to target fat cells and reduce their size. common nonsurgical body contouring treatments include CoolSculpting, SculpSure, Ultrashape, and Liposonix. These treatments are typically performed in a doctor’s office or medical spa and require no downtime after the procedure.

CoolSculpting is a cryolipolysis treatment that uses cold temperatures to freeze fat cells beneath the skin’s surface. The frozen fat cells are then eliminated from the body naturally over time. SculpSure uses light-based energy to heat up fat cells beneath the skin’s surface, which causes them to break down and be eliminated from the body over time. Ultrashape uses ultrasound energy to break down fat cells beneath the skin’s surface while Liposonix uses high frequency sound waves to break down fat cells beneath the skin’s surface without damaging surrounding tissue or organs.

What To Expect During The Procedure And Recovery Period

The exact experience during a nonsurgical body contouring procedure will vary depending on which treatment you choose and your individual needs. Generally speaking, however, patients should expect some mild discomfort during their procedure but this should subside shortly after it is completed. Depending on the treatment chosen, patients may need multiple sessions spaced out over several weeks in order to achieve their desired results. After each session there may be some redness or bruising in the treated area but this should fade within a few days with proper care and follow-up visits with your doctor or medical spa provider.

most nonsurgical body contouring treatments require little to no downtime after each session so patients can typically resume normal activities almost immediately afterwards with minimal restrictions on activity levels or dieting habits. Depending on which treatment you choose, results may start to become visible within a few weeks of your first session but full results may take up to several months before they become apparent as fat cells continue to be broken down by your body naturally over time following your procedure(s).

Differences Between Botox And Juvederm

Botox and Juvederm are two popular nonsurgical body contouring treatments that are often confused for one another due to their similarities in terms of what they can do for people’s appearance; however, they are actually quite different from one another in terms of how they work and what they are used for specifically. Botox is an injectable solution that works by temporarily paralyzing muscles in order to reduce wrinkles and fine lines; whereas Juvederm is an injectable filler that works by filling in wrinkles and fine lines in order to give people a more youthful appearance overall. Both treatments are considered safe when administered correctly by an experienced professional but it is important for patients considering either one of these treatments to consult with their doctor beforehand in order to determine which treatment would be best suited for them based on their individual needs and goals for achieving optimal results from their treatment(s).

In conclusion, nonsurgical body contouring has become increasingly popular among those looking for ways to improve their appearance without undergoing surgery; however it is important for individuals considering any type of cosmetic procedure (including nonsurgical ones) to consult with a qualified professional beforehand in order ensure that they understand all potential risks associated with such treatments prior to making any decisions about whether or not they want proceed with having them done.

Cryolipolysis treatment that uses cold temperatures to freeze fat cells beneath the skin’s surface.
Light-based energy to heat up fat cells beneath the skin’s surface, which causes them to break down and be eliminated from the body over time.
Uses ultrasound energy to break down fat cells beneath the skin’s surface.
Uses high frequency sound waves to break down fat cells beneath the skin’s surface without damaging surrounding tissue or organs.
Injectable solution that works by temporarily paralyzing muscles in order to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
Injectable filler that works by filling in wrinkles and fine lines in order to give people a more youthful appearance overall.


At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand that making the decision to undergo a body contouring procedure can be daunting. That’s why we strive to provide our clients with comprehensive information about nonsurgical body contouring options and the best treatments available. We have an array of treatments available, from natural breast fat augmentation to liposuction and alternatives such as Botox and Juvederm.

We believe in providing our clients with the highest quality results possible. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring that you get the best results from your body contouring treatment, no matter which procedure you choose. We take pride in our commitment to excellence and are confident that you will be satisfied with your results.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your appearance without surgery, come visit us at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI. At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we will work with you to find the perfect solution for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our nonsurgical body contouring services and schedule your consultation!