Finding the Right Surgeon for Your Abdominoplasty (Tummy tuck) Procedure

Posted on: June 19, 2023


At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, we understand how important it is to find the right surgeon for your abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) procedure. This type of surgery requires a skilled and experienced surgeon who can provide you with the best possible outcome. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you find the perfect doctor for your needs.

Abdominoplasty is an invasive cosmetic procedure designed to flatten and tighten the abdominal area. The surgery removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen while also tightening underlying muscles to create a smoother, firmer appearance. It can be used to treat both aesthetic issues such as loose skin or stretch marks, as well as medical conditions such as hernias or diastasis recti.

The benefits of abdominoplasty are numerous, including improved self-confidence, better posture, improved clothing fit, and a more aesthetically pleasing figure. However, it is important to choose the right surgeon in order to ensure optimal results and minimize potential risks associated with any surgical procedure. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the qualities you should look for when choosing a surgeon for your tummy tuck procedure, as well as tips on researching potential surgeons and questions to ask during your consultation.

Qualities to Look for When Choosing a Surgeon

Choosing the right surgeon for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) procedure is essential to ensure a safe and successful outcome. There are several important qualities to look for when making this important decision, including board certification, experience with abdominoplasty procedures, bedside manner and professionalism, reviews and testimonials, cost considerations, location and accessibility.

Board Certification

The first quality to look for when selecting a surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure is board certification. Board certification indicates that the surgeon has undergone specialized training in plastic surgery and has met the qualifications set forth by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). The ABPS is the only certifying board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). It is important to verify that your potential surgeon is board certified in plastic surgery before moving forward with any other considerations.

Experience with Abdominoplasty Procedures

In addition to being board certified, it is also important to make sure that your potential surgeon has extensive experience performing abdominoplasty procedures. Ask how many tummy tucks they have performed and request before-and-after photos of previous patients’ results. This will give you an idea of what kind of results you can expect from your own procedure.

Bedside Manner and Professionalism

The bedside manner and professionalism of your potential surgeon should also be taken into consideration when making your decision. You want to feel comfortable with your surgeon and confident that they will provide you with high-quality care throughout the entire process – from initial consultation through post-operative follow up visits. Make sure that you feel comfortable communicating openly with them about all aspects of the procedure.

Reviews and Testimonials

Another way to gain insight into a potential surgeon’s expertise and bedside manner is by reading reviews or testimonials from past patients who have undergone abdominoplasty procedures at their practice. Online reviews can provide valuable information about a practitioner’s level of skill, as well as their overall reputation within the medical community.

Cost Considerations

Cost is another factor to consider when selecting a surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure. While cost should not be the sole determining factor in making this decision, it is important to make sure that you are comfortable with the pricing structure offered by each potential practitioner before committing to any one particular doctor or practice.

Location and Accessibility

Finally, it is important to take into account both location and accessibility when choosing a surgeon for your tummy tuck procedure. You want to make sure that you choose someone who practices close enough so that you can easily attend all pre-operative consultations as well as post-operative follow up appointments without having to travel too far or spend too much time out of town if necessary.

Choosing the right surgeon for an abdominoplasty procedure is essential; important qualities to consider include board certification, experience, bedside manner, reviews/testimonials, cost and location.

Researching Potential Surgeons

When it comes to selecting a surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure, you need to be sure that they have the experience and qualifications necessary to ensure a successful outcome. Taking the time to research potential surgeons can help you find the right doctor for your needs and make sure you feel comfortable with them before undergoing any surgery.

Online Resources

The internet is a great resource for researching potential surgeons who specialize in abdominoplasty procedures. You can start by searching online directories such as the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) or American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). These sites will provide information on board-certified plastic surgeons in your area who have experience performing abdominoplasty procedures.

You can also search online reviews sites such as HealthGrades or RealSelf to read patient reviews and ratings of individual surgeons. These reviews can give you an idea of how other patients felt about their experiences with a particular surgeon, which can help you narrow down your list of potential doctors.

Ask for Referrals from Friends or Family Members

Another way to find the right surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure is to ask friends and family members who have had similar procedures done in the past. They may be able to recommend a doctor they were happy with or provide insights into their experiences that could help you make an informed decision.

Contact Medical Societies or Organizations in Your Area

Medical societies and organizations are another great source for finding qualified plastic surgeons in your area who specialize in abdominoplasty procedures. The ABPS and ASPS both offer referral services that can help connect you with experienced doctors who meet their criteria for board certification and professional standards.

Schedule an Initial Consultation with Each Surgeon You Are Considering

The best way to determine if a particular surgeon is right for you is by scheduling an initial consultation with each one you are considering. During this meeting, you should discuss your goals, review their credentials, ask questions about the procedure, and get a feel for their bedside manner and professionalism so that you can make an informed decision about which doctor is best suited for your needs.

In conclusion, it’s important to take the time to research potential surgeons when considering an abdominoplasty procedure so that you can find one who has the experience, qualifications, and bedside manner necessary to ensure a successful outcome. Utilizing online resources, asking friends or family members for referrals, contacting medical societies or organizations in your area, and scheduling consultations with each surgeon are all important steps in finding the perfect fit for your needs.

American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS)
Online directory of board-certified plastic surgeons in your area
American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
Online directory of board-certified plastic surgeons in your area
HealthGrades or RealSelf
Online reviews sites to read patient reviews and ratings of individual surgeons
Friends/Family Members Referrals
Ask friends and family members who have had similar procedures done in the past for referrals.
Medical Societies/Organizations in Your Area
Contact medical societies or organizations in your area for referrals.
Initial Consultation with Each Surgeon You Are Considering
Schedule an initial consultation with each one you are considering to discuss goals, review credentials, ask questions about the procedure, and get a feel for their bedside manner and professionalism.

Questions to Ask During Your Consultation

When considering a potential surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure, it is important to ask questions during your consultation. Doing so can help you gain insight into the surgeon’s qualifications and experience level, as well as provide you with more information about the procedure itself. Here are some key questions to ask during your consultation:

Credentials and Experience Level

It is important to ensure that the surgeon performing your procedure is board certified, meaning they have completed an accredited residency program in plastic surgery. Ask the surgeon about their credentials and experience level with performing abdominoplasty procedures specifically. Inquire about how many similar surgeries they have performed, and if they can share any before and after photos of previous patients who had similar procedures.

Specifics About the Procedure, Risks, and Post-Surgery Care

Ask the surgeon specific questions about what you can expect from your abdominoplasty procedure. This includes asking about pre-operative instructions, post-operative care instructions, pain management options available during recovery, and any risks or side effects associated with the surgery. It is also important to make sure that you understand what will be required of you in terms of follow-up visits and lifestyle changes after surgery in order to achieve optimal results.

Photos of Previous Patients’ Results

In addition to asking questions about credentials and specifics about the procedure itself, it is also beneficial to inquire about photos of previous patients’ results. This can give you a better idea of what kind of outcomes other people have experienced with this particular surgeon. If possible, try to find out if there were any complications or unexpected results associated with those patients’ procedures as well.

When selecting a surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure, it is essential that you feel comfortable asking questions during your initial consultation in order to make an informed decision. Asking these key questions can help ensure that you choose a qualified professional who has extensive experience performing this type of surgery and can provide you with satisfactory results.

Making Your Decision

Once you’ve done your research and had consultations with potential surgeons, it’s time to make a decision. Consider the pros and cons of each surgeon to determine which one is right for you. When making your decision, think about the credentials and experience level of each surgeon, their bedside manner, reviews from past patients, cost considerations, location and accessibility, and how comfortable you felt during your consultation.

It’s important to be confident in your decision when selecting a surgeon for an abdominoplasty procedure. Trusting your instincts is key – if something doesn’t feel right or if the surgeon doesn’t seem like the right fit for you, don’t hesitate to look elsewhere. After all, this is a major medical procedure that can have life-altering results; it’s essential to find a surgeon who is knowledgeable and experienced in performing the surgery safely and effectively.

Take some time to weigh all of your options before making your final decision on a surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you chose the best possible person for the job.


Choosing the right surgeon for your abdominoplasty procedure is a critical step in ensuring a successful outcome. Take the time to research potential surgeons, ask questions during consultations, and trust your instincts when making your decision. The Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic provides a multitude of different liposuction technologies under one roof at our Brookfield, WI location. We strive to provide excellent care and outcomes for our patients through board certified surgeons with extensive experience in abdominoplasty procedures. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and take the first steps towards achieving your desired results.