Achieve Your Body Goals: How Liposuction and Hybrid Breast Augmentation Can Help

Posted on: May 11, 2023

At Milwaukee Liposuction Specialty Clinic, located at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable and confident in your own skin. Whether you’re looking to reduce stubborn fat or enhance the size and shape of your breasts, our experienced team of surgeons can help you achieve your desired results with liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation.

In this article, we discuss how liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation can help people achieve their body goals. We will provide an overview of what these procedures entail, the recovery process involved, and how to choose the right surgeon for these procedures.

The thesis statement of this article is: Liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation are excellent options for those seeking to improve their body shape; however, it is important to consult with a qualified surgeon in order to minimize risks and ensure satisfactory results.


What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that has been used for decades to help people achieve their body goals. It involves the use of a thin, hollow tube called a cannula to suction out excess fat from targeted areas of the body. This process can help shape and contour the body, creating a more aesthetically pleasing figure.

Definition of Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes unwanted fat from specific parts of the body. The most common areas treated by liposuction are the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and neck. The surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted area and inserts a cannula into these incisions. The cannula is then used to suction out excess fat cells from beneath the skin’s surface.

The Liposuction Procedure

The liposuction procedure begins with an initial consultation with your surgeon where they will discuss your desired outcome and examine your body to determine if you are a suitable candidate for liposuction surgery. During this consultation, your surgeon will also explain potential risks associated with liposuction and provide you with instructions on how to prepare for the procedure.

On the day of your surgery, you will be placed under general anesthesia so that you do not feel any pain during the procedure. Your surgeon will then make small incisions in the targeted area and insert a cannula through them to suction out excess fat cells from beneath the skin’s surface. Once all of the fat cells have been removed, your surgeon will close up the incisions with sutures or staples and apply bandages or compression garments to reduce swelling and promote healing.

Benefits of Liposuction

The main benefit of liposuction is that it can help people achieve their desired body shape and contour without having to resort to drastic measures such as dieting or exercising excessively for extended periods of time. Additionally, liposuction can also help reduce cellulite by removing fatty deposits that contribute to its appearance. Finally, liposuction can also be used in combination with other procedures such as breast augmentation or tummy tuck surgery in order to create an even more aesthetically pleasing result.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove fat from specific parts of the body, creating a more aesthetically pleasing figure. Benefits include achieving desired body shape without drastic measures, reducing cellulite and combination with other procedures for better results.

Recovery Process for Liposuction and Hybrid Breast Augmentation

The recovery process for both liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation is similar and includes swelling, bruising, and wearing compression garments. After the procedure, patients should expect to experience some degree of swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the area where the surgery was performed. Swelling can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks after the procedure, depending on the extent of the surgery. Bruising typically resolves within two weeks. It is important that patients follow their surgeon’s post-operative instructions carefully in order to minimize swelling and bruising.

Swelling and Bruising

Swelling and bruising are normal side effects of liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation procedures. Swelling is caused by fluid accumulation due to trauma to the tissue caused by the cannula used during liposuction or from the incision made for implant placement during hybrid breast augmentation. The amount of swelling will depend on the extent of the procedure as well as individual factors such as age, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Swelling can last anywhere from a few days to several weeks after surgery, but it should gradually diminish over time if proper post-operative care is followed.

Bruising is also common after these procedures due to trauma to the tissue caused by either liposuction or implant placement. Bruising may appear immediately after surgery or may take several days to appear. The bruises will usually resolve within two weeks after surgery with proper care and attention given to them.

Compression Garments

Compression garments are an important part of post-operative care following liposuction or hybrid breast augmentation procedures. These garments help reduce swelling by compressing the skin against the underlying tissues, which helps reduce fluid accumulation in the area where surgery was performed. Compression garments also help reduce discomfort in the area due to increased pressure on nerve endings that can cause pain or tenderness following surgery. Patients should wear their compression garment for at least four weeks following their procedure in order to achieve optimal results with minimal side effects such as swelling or bruising.

Risks of Procedure

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with both liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation that must be taken into consideration before undergoing these procedures. These risks include infection, scarring, asymmetry of results, blood clots, nerve damage, allergic reaction to anesthesia, changes in sensation in treated areas (numbness or tingling), fat embolism (when fat enters into a vein or artery), and organ damage (if too much fat is removed). It is important that patients discuss all potential risks with their surgeon prior to undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery so they can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for them.

Compression Garment
A few days to several weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks
Hybrid Breast Augmentation
A few days to several weeks
2 weeks
4 weeks

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Liposuction and Hybrid Breast Augmentation

When considering liposuction or hybrid breast augmentation, it is essential to choose a qualified surgeon who specializes in these procedures. Doing so will help to minimize risks and ensure satisfactory results. Here are some tips for selecting the right surgeon for your desired body goals.

Qualifications and Experience of a Surgeon

When selecting a surgeon, it is important to look at their qualifications and experience. A board-certified plastic surgeon should have extensive knowledge about the procedure, as well as experience performing liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation. Additionally, they should be able to answer any questions you may have about the procedure and provide information on possible risks or complications that may arise from the surgery.

Referrals from Friends and Family

Another way to find a qualified surgeon is by asking friends or family members who have had similar procedures done in the past. They can provide valuable insight into which surgeons they would recommend based on their own experiences with them. Additionally, many surgeons offer before-and-after pictures of patients who have had successful results with their procedures, so you can get an idea of what kind of results you can expect from the surgery.

Accreditation of the Surgical Facility

It is also important to make sure that the surgical facility where you plan to have your procedure is accredited by organizations such as The Joint Commission or American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). These organizations ensure that facilities meet certain standards in terms of patient safety and quality of care, so it is important to check that your chosen facility meets these standards before undergoing any type of surgery there.

By taking these steps when selecting a surgeon for liposuction and hybrid breast augmentation, you can help ensure that you receive satisfactory results from your procedure while minimizing risks associated with it. It is important to do your research beforehand so that you can make an informed decision about which surgeon best suits your needs and body goals.

can be a safe and effective way to improve your appearance. At the milwaukee liposuction specialty clinic, we understand that this is an important decision and we are here to help make it easier for you. Our team of experienced surgeons are dedicated to providing top-notch care and helping you achieve the results you desire. We specialize in a multitude of different liposuction technologies, so you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality treatment available. If you’re considering liposuction or hybrid breast augmentation, contact us today at 200 S Executive Dr #101 Brookfield, WI to learn more about our services and how we can help you reach your body goals!