Chin Liposuction Milwaukee



What is chin liposuction?

It is the removal of fat under the chin that can give you the appearance of having a double chin. With a simple chin liposuction procedure, the fat deposits are removed with little downtime.

Getting older, putting on a little weight, or even just genetics can leave your chin, neck, and jawline flabby, sagging, and less defined than you want. Chin and neck liposuction can give you the sleek profile you want and the added confidence that goes with it.

It is a more straightforward process than a facelift. It does not require sutures. With SmartLipo, the doctor can perform contouring procedures to make your chin and face appear slimmer.

Liposuction can effectively target the stubborn fat deposits in your double chin or jowls. It is the fastest, most efficient way to make your jawline look more chiseled.

For a neck liposuction procedure, we differentiate between 3 primary regions:

The Submental Chin
This area is found right under the chin along the jawbone. Excess fat in this region can cause an older and chubbier appearance in both young and old people.

The Jowls
The jowls are the lower cheeks. They accumulate fat as a result of weight gain and the aging process.

Portions of the cheeks
Our doctors treat different areas of the cheeks during liposuction procedures that focus on the face and neck. Excess fat deposits in the cheeks could be removed to ensure an overall natural appearance.

How does chin liposuction work?

Chin liposuction is a simple, minimally invasive procedure done under tumescent local anesthesia. It only requires a few tiny incisions to give you transformational results. It does not require general anesthesia or expensive plastic surgery. It is well suited for younger patients.

We perform chin liposuction under local tumescent anesthesia. The patient first receives mild oral sedation.

Small incisions in the skin are made to introduce the tumescent anesthesia.

The surgeon uses small cannulas and the SmartLipo Triplex laser to contour and removes fat cells in the submental area. The use of SmartLipo enables the best skin tightening possible. It allows the doctor to balance facial features and reduce the appearance of loose skin.

The local anesthetic wears off after a few hours. The results will start showing as the new collagen tightens the skin.

Chin liposuction is an effortless procedure. Most patients can return to work the very next day.

We advise patients to organize transport from the clinic because of the remaining effects of the sedative.

Individuals with excess fat in the chin and with significant excess skin

Reasonably thin women and men with large skin folds or extreme sagging in the jowls or under the chin might benefit from an additional procedure, a Neck Lift.

For Patients who skin elasticity or/and have considerable excess skin in the jowls and chin region, a combination of a Chin Lipo and a Neck Lift can be a better option. The combination of these procedures can be instrumental in reshaping a balanced profile and well-defined jawline.

We can combine these procedures:

Liposuction (WaterLipo in our case to remove the excess fat)

Cervicoplasty (the removal of excess skin from under the chin)

Platysmaplasty (surgery to tighten loose, sagging neck muscles)

These additional procedures are recommended for severe double-chin cases and those accompanied by sagging neck skin or loose jowls.

Who is a candidate for Submental Liposuction?

To determine if you’re a good candidate for chin and neck liposuction to reveal a sleek, defined jawline, ask yourself a few questions:

  • Am I in good health?
  • Am I at or close to my ideal weight?
  • Does my skin have good elasticity to help it bounce back after liposuction?
  • Do I have realistic expectations of the results I can expect to see?

If your answer to these questions is yes, chin liposuction could be the perfect choice for you.

Both men and women are good candidates for chin liposuction if they don’t have significant medical problems. Removing fat under the chin and the jawline makes a considerable improvement in one’s appearance. It can improve the dimensions of the face and appear more youthful. The Smartlipo Triplex laser adds another level of control and skin tightening to the procedure and aids in maximum skin retraction.

What is the recovery time after the procedure?

Most patients can experience mild discomfort after the procedure for 2-5 days. It is recommended that you rest for 1-2 days after the procedure. You will be wearing a facial compression garment, and that will help with the discomfort. Most patients can return to work the next day.

Chin Lipo surgery requires only a couple of small incisions; the incisions are generally located beneath the chin or behind the ears. These incisions do not require any stitches, and they heal within just a few days while leaving little to no scarring.

During recovery, patients should take good care of themselves and follow their doctor’s instructions. Chin liposuction is a procedure with minimal risk and very little required recovery time. However, it’s still essential that all patients take the necessary time to heal. Below are some important rules to follow during recovery:

Eat a Healthy Diet
Eating lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will ensure that your body is getting plenty of valuable nutrients during the recovery period. Your body needs these nutrients to rebuild damaged tissues.

Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water during the recovery so that your body will be able to flush out toxins and rebuild tissues faster.

Avoid Strenuous Activities
Strenuous exercise also must be avoided for 4 weeks. During the recovery period, heavy training can stress the body when the body needs every ounce of energy to repair and heal damaged tissues. Light activity is recommended to help avoid blood clots after surgery.

Wear the Compression Garment
For the first 72 hours after the procedure, patients must wear a compression garment to reduce swelling and bruising. After the first 24 hours of wearing the compression garment, patients can resume regular daily practices like face washing and shaving.

Take Prescribed Medication on Schedule
Our doctors may prescribe certain medications. Take these according to the prescribed schedule. Pain medication may be optional.

What kind of results can I expect after the procedure?

After the procedure, you will have swelling for about 2 weeks. The SmartLipo laser treatment will help with skin tightening for 2-3 months after the procedure. You may notice results sooner than that in some cases. The final results are complete anywhere from 3-6 months after the procedure is completed. Most of our patients are delighted with their new appearance.

Chin liposuction removes excess fat to restore a defined jawline.

It can help you get rid of:

  • A double chin
  • Sagging jowls
  • Fat deposits along your jawline

Particular Chin Lipo Risks

  • Neck tightness
    It’s normal to experience neck tightness after chin lipo. Depending on the patient, the tense/tight sensation may last for up to a few months after surgery. We provide our patients with specific instructions and other resources (like medication) to minimize neck tightness issues after the procedure.
  • Bruising and swelling
    Slight bruising and swelling are expected after any liposuction procedure. Patients wear compression garments after surgery to minimize swelling. Bruising and swelling should disappear within the week following your cosmetic surgery.
  •  Numbness
    Numbness isn’t as common as swelling and bruising. It can be a side-effect after the surgery. Usually, skin sensation returns within a month, but occasionally, numbness or nerve irritation persists.

Liposuction Cost

At the Milwaukee Liposuction, all patients receive a free initial consultation. It is the perfect opportunity to tour the facilities and meet our staff. The doctors are there to answer all the questions concerning the procedures available, scheduling, and pricing options

The cost for arm liposuction surgery starts at $4,500 for an average-sized female. This fee includes all of the following:

  • Pre-operative labs
  • Antibiotics
  • Antibacterial scrub
  • Facility fee
  • Local anesthetic
  • Post-operative supplies
  • ALL follow-up visits
  • *Pain medication is an optional expense. All patients are discharged from our facility with a prescription for pain meds, but whether they get this prescription filled at their own pharmacy is their decision.
  • To better comprehend how the cost for your liposuction procedureis estimated, please visit our cost page.